
Implicit Calculus Derivative Problem and Answer ( Soal dan jawaban turunan implisit kalkulus )

hello welcome to Eroniana... How are you today? i hope you always happy in your entaire life... :) ok today i just wanna share some problem and answer from calculus and basic math again...if you ask me, why i love calculus so much and make tutorial like this, i just wanna answer...because calculus the only course i know...haha just kidding. In this post i want to share with you problem and answer from the implicit derivative calculus. i hope this post can help you in understanding calculus by working on a variety of question given, without wasting time let's answer the first problem. ...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...--- First problem... Second Problem... Third Problem... Fourth Problem... Basically if you look at the four question above we can conclude that it just like an ordinary derivative calculus, where we are asked to get the form d...

How to Get Compton Equation ( Penurunan persamaan compton )

Hello welcome to AlimaScience. Well, in this post we will discuss about one of physic phenomena which is one of triggers for the development of the world Modern Physic. The physics phenomenon that we will discuss this time is the Compton effect scattering phenomenon. Especially for the discussion this time we will focus how to get compton equation from physical phenomena which have been experimented by Compton. Compton carried out a series of experiment which he shoot a material with certain frequency of light, and observed what happen with the light after the interaction with the material. The thing obtained from this experiment is disclosure on the fact that the light he shot experiences an increase in wavelength, where the increase of wavelength does not depend on intesity of the given wave but only depend on scattering angle of light. This can happen when the light seen as a particle so that the interaction of the light with electr...

Calculus derivative of chain rules, basic mathematics ( kalkulus turunan aturan rantai )

hello welcome to eroniana... in this post i will discuss four question related to derivative calculus especially derived calculus that uses chain rules to solve the problem. i want to say thank you for reading this post, i hope this post will be use full and improve your ability to do some calculus problem. Well without lingering, let's strat discussing the first question... :) ....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....---....--- First Problem in the first problem we can see that y contains function to the power of 3, and this function also contain power equation, so that the one of reasonable way to get calculus derivative answer is by mutliplying each equation that obtain in power equation but before we doing that there is one thing that we must look at, the greater power that contain in chain power equation it means the equation will more comlicated if we want to mutlip...

Basic Problem and answer Derivatives Calculus Trigonometry ( Soal turunan Trigonometri dasar)

hi ... hi welcome to Eroniana... in this post I will share with you some examples of trigonometric derivative problems... without wasting any more time, let's look at the problems ... ...---...---...---...---...---...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- ...--- before working on the questions to be answered, it's good if we remember some basic rules contained in the derived calculus ... here are some equations that will be used... ok let's start... in problem number 2 we use equation 4 to solve the problem. this is because x and cosx are two equation depend on x... ...---...---...---...---...---...--- ...---...---...---...---...--- Thank you for read my blog...follow my ig @eroniana99 sorry if there are some mistake, dont hestiate to ask to me...and thank you

questions and answers to the basic derivative calculus ( soal dan jawabankalkulus turunan dasar )

Hi ... hi ... welcome to Eroniana ... how are you guys, hopefully alright! ( Terjemahan : Hai...hai... selamat datang di Eroniana ... apa kabar kalian, semoga baik-baik saja ya! ) okay ... in this post I will share with you some examples of derivative calculus problems that usually appear in exam questions... ( Terjemahan : oke... pada postingan kali ini aku akan bagikan ke kalian tentang beberapa contoh soal kalkulus turunan yang biasanya muncul dalam soal ujian.  ) maybe you often wonder, why is the problem that is on the exam more difficult than the problem that we usually do when training? ( Terjemahan : mungkin kalian sering bertanya-tanya, kenapa soal yang ada pada ujian lebih sulit daripada soal yang biasaya kita kerjakan saat latihan? ) the answer to this question is ... the question being tested is basically a variation of the material that you have previously obtained plus the material you just learned... ( Terjemahan : jawaban da...