Implicit Calculus Derivative Problem and Answer ( Soal dan jawaban turunan implisit kalkulus )
hello welcome to Eroniana... How are you today? i hope you always happy in your entaire life... :) ok today i just wanna share some problem and answer from calculus and basic math again...if you ask me, why i love calculus so much and make tutorial like this, i just wanna answer...because calculus the only course i know...haha just kidding. In this post i want to share with you problem and answer from the implicit derivative calculus. i hope this post can help you in understanding calculus by working on a variety of question given, without wasting time let's answer the first problem. ...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...--- First problem... Second Problem... Third Problem... Fourth Problem... Basically if you look at the four question above we can conclude that it just like an ordinary derivative calculus, where we are asked to get the form d...